Tuesday, January 23, 2007

L'opposition confrontée aux milices

L'armée essaye d'empêcher des partisans des "forces libanaises" (milice de l'extrême-droite chrétienne et alliée historique d'Israël) et des "a7rar" (autre parti de droite chrétien aux passé et aspirations miliciens), armés de manches à balai, de s'acharner sur les manifestants/grévistes du CPL (parti laïc de l'opposition)..

.. et sur leurs voitures.

Amaret Chalhoub, Jan.23.2007
* Photos prises du balcon sur un cellulaire, mon appareil photo étant toujours en chirurgie.

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6 réactions:

Blogger Liliane...

So phil, you only saw what LF suppoters did, and not what the opposition supporters did?

January 25, 2007 9:29 AM


Blogger Krys...

liliane d'un point de vue objectif, en debut de matinee c'etait une manifestation "pacifique" (ya3ne bala chaghab) jusqu'a ce qu'il y a eu des confrontations avec l'autre majorite qui eux sont armes et ont cherche a semer la zizanie!!

January 25, 2007 9:48 AM


Blogger Unknown...

This is just what I witnessed from my balcon. However, and just like anybody else, I do make sure I have my daily intake of propaganda by watching LBC and Manar.

January 26, 2007 3:59 PM


Blogger Liliane...

pacifique? burning tires and making barricades is peaceful? :S

January 30, 2007 12:33 PM


Blogger Krys...

Right Liliane burning tires is not pacifique for sure that's why I've put it into " " but comparing burning tires to armed people shooting "a tort et a travers" ..that's what was meant by "pacifique".

January 30, 2007 10:59 PM


Blogger Unknown...

Please note. This blog is an equal opportunity blog and aims at criticizing every mother fcuker that is involved in politics and dares speak on behalf of the poor working class that we are.

January 31, 2007 12:59 AM



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